【翟晓辉:#中央援建的方舱医院对香港抗疫至关重要# 】国家卫生健康委医管中心副主任(主持工作)翟晓辉表示,香港的疫情现在还依然处于快速的上升期,当前最主要的目标是最大限度地降低感染、最大限度地降低重症、最大限度地降低死亡。中央援助香港建设的方舱医院在整个疫情防控过程中起到了至关重要的作用。Zhai Xiaohui, deputy director of the National Health Commission (NHC) medical management center, says that the epidemic situation in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) is still worsening, and the most important goal at present is to minimize the number of infections, severe cases and deaths. The central government's assistance in building makeshift hospitals in Hong Kong SAR has played a crucial role in epidemic prevention and control, he added.
