

【居港20年的外籍人士:香港是复原力很强的城市】香港作为国际金融中心,中西合璧,文化多元,大量的外籍人士在此居住。对于他们来说,香港是他们的家,在新一轮新冠疫情持续的当下,他们选择与香港共度时艰。中央广播电视总台记者采访了来自新西兰的视频制作人威尔逊。威尔逊已经在香港居住和工作了20年。他说,香港是一座很有韧劲、复原力很强的城市,相信香港很快会像从前一样活力满满,充满无限的机会和可能。(总台记者 朱丹 周伟琪 金东 李志强 黄耀祖 叶丽丽 魏可枫)New Zealander Alex Wilson has been living in Hong Kong since 2000. He is a video producer who produces a variety of shows and corporate films. One of the things about Hong Kong and why he is still around after 20 years is that opportunities abound and the city is a financial hub. When you meet people in Hong Kong, the scope and scale of opportunities are global. Hong Kong is a link between the Chinese mainland and the rest of the world. He chose to stay because he thinks it's an interesting place with its own vibe and an energy that's different from anywhere else he has been. And people are willing to try new things and present them in a new way. Another part of Hong Kong's charm is its resilience.

居港20年的外籍人士:<a href=香港是复原力很强的城市” />
