
歹徒趁感恩節大幹一場 記者採訪都被劫 美國亞裔警衛捨身救人





三藩市灣區電視台KRON的攝製隊24日採訪一宗同類劫案期間,一名男子試圖搶走記者的攝影器材,受僱保護記者的警衛西田凱文(Kevin Nishita)介入,卻被歹徒襲擊,腹部中槍。他最終在27日傷重不治。

We mourn the loss of retired police officer Kevin Nishita who honorably served our Bay Area Community. He was protecting/guarding a local news crew when he was senselessly murdered. Today, we escorted his body from the hospital with full law enforcement honors. ?

— Alameda County Sheriff (@ACSOSheriffs)

西田凱文2001至2012年在加州聖何塞(San Jose)擔任警察,是一名從事幫派調查的警探,備受同僚愛戴。他退休後加入名為Star Protection Agency California的公司擔任警衛。


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of retired Sergeant Kevin Nishita. On 11/24/21, Kevin was shot while providing security as an armed guard in Oakland. He was rushed to a local hospital for medical attention and succumbed to his injuries this morning.

— Colma Police Department (@ColmaPD)
