

香港医疗辅助队志愿者:人与人眼中的爱让我继续前行】医疗辅助队是香港特区政府保安局下属的一支辅助部队,也是一个志愿应急医疗卫生组织,在全社会有超过4,000名志愿者。他们经过专业培训后,利用业余时间参与社会的应急服务,很多志愿者一干就是10年。在新冠疫情中,他们用自己朴实的行动感动着香港社会。今年第一季度,医疗服务队已经护送超过10,000名确诊者去隔离治疗设施。 (via:记者@朱丹在香港) The Auxiliary Medical Service is an auxiliary force under the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). It is also a voluntary emergency medical and health organization with over 4,000 volunteers throughout the community. After professional training, they use their spare time to participate in emergency services in the communities. Many of the volunteers have done at least 10 years and have participated in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical service teams have escorted more than 10,000 confirmed cases to isolation treatment facilities this year.

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